AWS vs Google Cloud

March 08, 2022

AWS vs Google Cloud: A Battle of Cloud Services

As more and more businesses flock to the cloud, the battle between cloud services such as AWS and Google Cloud has intensified. Both offer a range of features for organizations to scale, deploy and manage their applications. But how do they differ, and which one should you choose? Let's take a closer look with our unbiased comparison.

Computing Power and Cost

When it comes to computing power, both AWS and Google Cloud deliver high-performance servers. However, AWS is more expensive than Google Cloud. AWS offers 49 different instances, while Google Cloud offers 35 instances, with a core range of server types.

According to a 2022 IDC CloudView Survey, AWS holds 32.4% of the cloud services market share, while Google Cloud has 7.6%. Despite this gap, businesses such as Spotify and Coca-Cola have opted for Google Cloud because of its cost-effectiveness and powerful scaling capabilities.

Storage and Databases

Both AWS and Google Cloud offer a range of storage and database services. AWS provides services such as Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and RDS, while Google Cloud offers Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Bigtable.

In terms of price, Google Cloud offers competitive prices for storage and databases, with up to 50% cost savings compared to AWS. However, AWS has a better track record in terms of performance and durability.

Machine Learning and AI

Machine learning and AI are critical for many industries, including healthcare and finance. AWS offers services such as Amazon SageMaker, Rekognition, and Comprehend, while Google Cloud offers Cloud AI Platform, Cloud AutoML, and Dialogflow.

Google Cloud offers more advanced tools in machine learning and AI, such as Natural Language APIs, Vision APIs, and Video Intelligence APIs. AWS is catching up, but Google Cloud retains an edge in this area.


Both AWS and Google Cloud offer a range of features and capabilities for businesses to thrive in a cloud environment. However, Google Cloud offers more attractive pricing across different categories, while AWS has a more extensive range of services, particularly in machine learning and AI.

Organizations looking for a cost-effective and easy-to-use cloud service might prefer Google Cloud, while those with complex systems and machine learning requirements might consider AWS. The choice ultimately comes down to your business requirements and budget.


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